Step One: Subscribe and Set Up Your Account

Members of MSA with e-mail and Web access can participate in the e-mail lists. You can join a list, change your e-mail address and settings, and search the discussion group archives on the Web.

1. Subscribe: All you need to do is click on the link below, enter your e-mail address and your first and last name and select “Subscribe.” Click here to subscribe: Subscribe to MSA Tax Talk Discussion Group Listserv to access the Listserv subscription and settings page

You’ll receive a confirmation notice and instructions on how to use the e-mail forum once you have been added to the list (you might want to save this e-mail for future reference). To prevent viruses from infiltrating the lists, only plain-text e-mails are allowed to be posted to the Listserv (i.e., no HTML text and no attachments).

2. Rules and Etiquette: Please make sure you read, understand and agree to the rules and etiquette for the MSA Tax Talk Discussion Group Listserv. Click here: Tax Talk Listserv Rules and Etiquette

Step Two: Sending Messages

There are several different ways to ask a tax question or answer a tax question on MSA Tax Talk. Whenever you receive an e-mail message that was sent to the MSA Tax Talk list, the subject line of the e-mail will include [MSA-Tax Talk].
1. Send an original e-mail message to the entire group: Send your question to: . Please make sure you include your contact information/signature at the bottom of your e-mail message.
2. Reply to an e-mail you received from another member: When you receive an e-mail with [msa-tax talk] in the subject line, you can hit reply to send your answer to the entire MSA Tax Talk discussion group.

Step Three: Important Tips for Using MSA Tax Talk

1. To reply to messages you receive from the Listserv, be sure that the send-to address appears as .

2. Avoid resending the entire message to which you are replying by cutting and pasting the relevant parts into your response. And please do not resend a digest back to the e-mail list. 

3. Using the reply button in your e-mail application will automatically send your response to the entire list. To reply directly to a member of the list, forward the e-mail and copy and paste his or her e-mail address into the “To” line.

4. Identify yourself with a signature tag in all messages. Include your name, firm, location, telephone number, and e-mail address.